Saturday, June 17, 2006

Animal O-Blogger Post #3: The Three Party System

I don't like the two party system. There should be a three party system. Here are the three parties:
1. The Progressive Party - you vote for this party if you want things to change in a futuristic way. Some of the politicians are more radical than others. Some think about tomorrow. Others think about times 1000 years in the future. Some wear special space suits.
2. The Stasis (Static) Party - you vote for this party if you want things to stay as they are.
3. The Regressive Party - you vote for this party if you think things were better in the past. Again, some of the politicians are more radical than others. Some want to regress only to the Clinton administration. Others want to go back to the Middle Ages or even further to a time before man walked the earth.

Naturally, many politicians swtich parties often.

There is also the Egressive Party but they don't count as an official political party. They just want to stay out of the whole thing.

"The Three Party System"
by Vodya the Penguin
Presented at Open Mic Night, The Fountain, Silver Spring


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