Monday, February 27, 2006

N.B. From the Site Administrator

I have, of late, received several reports from outsider bloggers that people who saw their work on this blog have attempted to contact them via e-mail and, inexplicably, instant messaging (IM). Please be advised that very few outsider bloggers have access to e-mail per se. I am certain of the veraciousness of the statement that no outsider bloggers use IM. That an o-bloggers’ artistic medium is the very milieu they so emphatically reject is one of the many fascinating aspects of these Janus-faces harbingers of digital-age alienation.

Attempting to contact outsider bloggers electronically is ill advised for several reasons, not the least of which is that the o-blogger will likely never receive the communiqué. Also, o-bloggers tend to be quite literal minded. Thus, an acronym which would not be a catachresis in the context of Yahoo! Messaging, may be interpreted as one when read by an o-blogger. To an o-blogger, ROTFL brings to mind a disturbing hebephrenic episode, and not the intended meaning of high amusement. IM-speak also might be misinterpreted. For example, one particularly lascivious o-blogger believes LOL stands for “Love On Line” and IMHO stands for, roughly translated, “I am of loose sexual morals”, or, loosly translated, "I am of rough sexual morals"*

With the above nota bene, please continue to enjoy and support Blogging Brut.

*Examples of IMs sent to o-bloggers include: “Your work sucks, IMHO”; “WTF was that?”; “I looked at your post hoping to be ROTFL, but was left only LOL”; and “My DH hates your work *sigh*.”

O-Blogger Post #11: Grocery List

other veg.
human head
chicken breast
pasta sauce

"Grocery List"
Found post
unknown author

Thursday, February 23, 2006

O-Blogger Post #10: Uncle John's E-mail

dear rob,

i saw an exhibit i th

ought you might like at the cockran galleryits about

ba njos.

heres a link %%hiip:////**@3%%%PRINT20

uncle jo hn

"Uncle John's E-mail"
Hunt and Peck
John James

Monday, February 13, 2006

O-Blogger Post #9: Logic

It is our policy to be forgetful
It is our policy to be hairless
Hairlessness leads to forgetfulness
We have no hair to forget

Aristotelian virtuality
Jock Marquette

Friday, February 10, 2006

O-Blogger Post #8: Statistics

Amount of people on the floor: 4
Number of sinks: 23
How much skunks like Doritos: 16x4
Number of times for the bathroom: 2/26/87
Drinks: 8
Monthly unemployment insurance amount: 7.45
Number of capybara: $6.99
Water: 5,678,000

Numbers and letters
by Maggie Rowen

Thursday, February 09, 2006

O-Blogger Post #7: This is Not a Post

This is not a post.

"This is Not a Post"
by Rennie Reckles

Monday, February 06, 2006

O-Blogger Post #6: New Emoticons

Schadenfreude: 90 no 91
Abulia: arc
Avarice: 4,963
Rapacity: ===ud?
Loathing: wd40
Weltschmerz: t
Surfeit: its12
Elation: 9op9
Cathexis: *gt89**

“New Emoticons”
Fingers on keyboard
by Garginno

Friday, February 03, 2006

O-Blogger Post #5: C3PO

0000 000000 0000
000 0 00000 0 0000
00000 0000000 00000

Pixels on filament
Boris Stern

Thursday, February 02, 2006

O-Blogger Post #4: Frustration

jumyhn x fv jz m,.m jhndx

Head on keyboard
by Zip Montague

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

O-Blogger Post #3: Political Analysis

wAshington Adams jEfferson mAdison mOnroe Adams jAckson vAn buren hArrison tYler pOlk tAylor fIlmore pIerce bUchanan lIcoln jOhnson grAnt hAyes gArfield Arthur clEveland hArrison clEvenand mckInley rOosevelt tAft wIlson hArding cOolidge hOover rOosevelt trUman Eisenhower kEnnedy jOhnson nIxon fOrd cArter rEgan bUsh clInton bUsh

“Political Analysis”
Fingers on keyboard
by JC Coupeville